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The Snowflake provider allows you to interact with LLM models available through the Cortex LLM REST API.


chat_snowflake() picks up the following ambient Snowflake credentials:

  • A static OAuth token defined via the SNOWFLAKE_TOKEN environment variable.

  • Key-pair authentication credentials defined via the SNOWFLAKE_USER and SNOWFLAKE_PRIVATE_KEY (which can be a PEM-encoded private key or a path to one) environment variables.

  • Posit Workbench-managed Snowflake credentials for the corresponding account.

  • Viewer-based credentials on Posit Connect. Requires the connectcreds package.

Known limitations

Note that Snowflake-hosted models do not support images, tool calling, or structured outputs.

See chat_cortex() to chat with the Snowflake Cortex Analyst rather than a general-purpose model.


  system_prompt = NULL,
  turns = NULL,
  account = snowflake_account(),
  credentials = NULL,
  model = NULL,
  api_args = list(),
  echo = c("none", "text", "all")



A system prompt to set the behavior of the assistant.


A list of Turns to start the chat with (i.e., continuing a previous conversation). If not provided, the conversation begins from scratch.


A Snowflake account identifier, e.g. "testorg-test_account". Defaults to the value of the SNOWFLAKE_ACCOUNT environment variable.


A list of authentication headers to pass into httr2::req_headers(), a function that returns them when called, or NULL, the default, to use ambient credentials.


The model to use for the chat. The default, NULL, will pick a reasonable default, and tell you about. We strongly recommend explicitly choosing a model for all but the most casual use.


Named list of arbitrary extra arguments appended to the body of every chat API call.


One of the following options:

  • none: don't emit any output (default when running in a function).

  • text: echo text output as it streams in (default when running at the console).

  • all: echo all input and output.

Note this only affects the chat() method.


A Chat object.


if (FALSE) { # has_credentials("cortex")
chat <- chat_snowflake()
chat$chat("Tell me a joke in the form of a SQL query.")