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These generic functions can be use to convert Turn contents or Content objects into textual representations.

  • contents_text() is the most minimal and only includes ContentText objects in the output.

  • contents_markdown() returns the text content (which it assumes to be markdown and does not convert it) plus markdown representations of images and other content types.

  • contents_html() returns the text content, converted from markdown to HTML with commonmark::markdown_html(), plus HTML representations of images and other content types.


contents_text(content, ...)

contents_html(content, ...)

contents_markdown(content, ...)



The Turn or Content object to be converted into text. contents_markdown() also accepts Chat instances to turn the entire conversation history into markdown text.


Additional arguments passed to methods.


A string of text, markdown or HTML.


turns <- list(
  Turn("user", contents = list(
    ContentText("What's this image?"),
  Turn("assistant", "It's a placeholder image.")

lapply(turns, contents_text)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "What's this image?"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "It's a placeholder image."
lapply(turns, contents_markdown)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "What's this image?\n\n![]("
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "It's a placeholder image."
if (rlang::is_installed("commonmark")) {
#> [1] "<p>What's this image?</p>\n\n<img src=\"\">"